Morbizco Is Part Of The Social Media Frenzy

MORBIZCO.COM (05/25/2015) – In addition to the Morbizco websites on our company server system, we also have page accounts on popular Social Media sites. We would be happy if you would click “LIKE” on our Facebook page, and “FOLLOW” at our page on Twitter. Among other things, we’ll send you notes of news and info you can use. You can get to our Social Media pages by clicking on either of the links below, or both of them (one link at a time). Depending on which page you are now visiting you might have to click on READ MORE before the GO TO links will show for the links to work.

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Morbizco Owns and Operates Several Websites

MORBIZCO.COM (05/25/2015) – From the beginning of Morbizco at the turn of the century, the company has owned and operated websites that provide a variety of services on the internet. Some of them provide news and information to visitors, while others have offered support, shopping and hosting opportunities. A current list of company websites are listed here:

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Morbizco Company Site Upgrade Progress

MORBIZCO.COM (05/22/2015) – A site wide upgrade is in progress at Morbizco has hosted websites for outside customers and several Morbizco owned sites since established in 2001. We also operate, provide services, content and maintenance for the company sites. We found, to do it right, our sites require proper attention, so we phased out customer hosting to do our sites justice. The site rebuild is in line with that sentiment.

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