Morbizco Company Site Upgrade Progress

MORBIZCO.COM (05/22/2015) – A site wide upgrade is in progress at Morbizco has hosted websites for outside customers and several Morbizco owned sites since established in 2001. We also operate, provide services, content and maintenance for the company sites. We found, to do it right, our sites require proper attention, so we phased out customer hosting to do our sites justice. The site rebuild is in line with that sentiment.

Part of doing the right thing for our company-owned websites entails bringing all of them into the 21st Century. That means, a few months ago we started a systematic plan to redo all of our websites to make them fully Mobile Device Friendly in addition to being pleasing and easy to use for people who go to them using a Desktop Computer at home, school, or in the office.

The modern world of the internet includes the fact that, statistically, a large percentage of people who go to websites these days, do so on mobile devices. As a result of that finding, during the last few months we’ve been spending a lot of time upgrading our most visited websites to make them more accessible by everyone, whether visitors view the sites on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, pad, pod, or what-have-you.

After our sites undergo transfers to Responsive Design it doesn’t matter how large or small your screen is, because our new Responsive Design adapts to the size of the screen in which you view the website.

The company owned sites we’ve been spending the most time on during the first phase of improving, re-doing and modernizing our sites, are:,, and At this writing, the first three make-overs are finished and ready for anyone to visit with any monitor screen, large, medium sized, or small.

Meanwhile, another of our sites, is also undergoing a new, Mobile-Friendly, Responsive Design conversion and is getting close to being unveiled. Other sites in the Morbizco Website Family to get facelifts in the near future are, and, Although we plan to overhaul them within the next few months, they will take a back seat while we finish and bring up to speed.

Out of necessity, the progress on may slow down from time to time when attention is diverted back to company-owned websites. While you’re here, check around to see what changes or additions we may have made to this week, or since your last visit, as the progress here continues.

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