Happy New Year from The Morbizco Internet Media Group of Websites

MORBIZCO – The Morbizco Internet Media Group wishes you and yours a Happy New Year, a year that is sure to bring excitement and plenty of wonder and surprises. We hope you take some time out from your busy life to visit our websites as often as you like during this New Year. There are many things to enjoy whether you like to read to gain news and information or hear your favorite music over the internet, or both at the same time.

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Clik2Go.com Internet Portal Receives New Mobile-Friendly Design

MORBIZCO.COM – One of the earlier additions to the Morbizco Internet Media website family, Clik2Go.NET (formerly dot com), has received a new look and feel and upgrade. The newest design in front and behind the curtain is Responsive to the size of the screen you’re viewing it in. We like to call it Mobile Friendly for any kind of mobile device, such as Tablets, Laptops, and even Smartphones, in addition to the Desktop Computers that fewer and fewer people are chained to.

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Morbizco Owns and Operates Several Websites

MORBIZCO.COM (05/25/2015) – From the beginning of Morbizco at the turn of the century, the company has owned and operated websites that provide a variety of services on the internet. Some of them provide news and information to visitors, while others have offered support, shopping and hosting opportunities. A current list of company websites are listed here:

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